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in category: cute dogs

in category: cute cats

Romeo, owned by TracyS714
3 Vote for this pet5
Pet Dog
Breed Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Age15 years, 1 month, 17 days
Favorite activitySpending time with my family and friends!! :)
Favorite toyAnything I can chew on!! :)
StoryHi My name is Romeo and boy do I live up to my name I am 6 months old and I have a big heart for anyone I come in contact with. I love making out with the lady dogs at PetSmart and whenever my mom or dad takes me for walks When I go to bed at night, I have to snuggle with "Mr. Blue Bear." He is my favorite toy and I can't fall asleep unless he is in my crate with me. Please vote for me to be the cutest dog because how can you resist a face like mine
Comments for Romeo
By Sevarney : Super cute!
By Cecilmx6 : omg so cute!
By CavalierSpaniel : Voted for him. He's really cute.
By CavalierSpaniel : I have a Cavalier website, Cavalier King Charles SpanielaDay ( httpcavalieraday.blogspot.com ) where a new Cavalier picture is posted every day. To enter your Cavalier, send an email to CavalierKingCharlesSpanielfrontier.com . (Take out any "" or spaces I couldn't get rid of them.) Put "Cavalieraday" in the subject line. Then put your Cavalier's picture, which may be cropped to fit, along with herhis name and age, your name, and (optional) information about the picture like where it was taken and other stu
By CavalierSpaniel : I have a Cavalier website, Cavalier King Charles SpanielaDay ( cavalieraday.blogspot.com ) where a new Cavalier picture is posted every day. To enter your Cavalier, send an email to CavalierKingCharlesSpanielfrontier.com . (Take out any "" or spaces I couldn't get rid of them.) Put "Cavalieraday" in the subject line. Then put your Cavalier's picture, which may be cropped to fit, along with herhis name and age, your name, and (optional) information about the picture like where it was taken and other stuff a
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