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Penny, owned by RaynBOW-bunny
17 Vote for this pet17
Pet Rabbit
Breed Ignore
Age17 years, 6 months, 2 days
Favorite activityHopping, resting, eating
Favorite toyBunny bites
LikesShe likes to rest and be stroked
DislikesBeing picked up alot, strangers
StoryPenelope Serena Raewyn Columbus is a Netherland Dawrf rabbit. She is the sister of Odi and loves to play with him. She is a sweet but grumpy bunny and is very nervous and shy. But she is still a great bunnyShe can be quite aggressive but we are taming her. She might attack you but now she is better. We believe her old owners never spent quality time with her.She loves to relax and be massaged when she's not grumpy and will sit on your lap for a long time if she's in the mood unlike Odi who jumps off after a while to run around.She might not look like a friendly bunny at first glance but she is still lovable. 30th Oct Today Penny gave birth to her first litter of kits. There are 6 of them and they are very healthy. Penny is being a wonderful mother.
Comments for Penny
By MokuJr : What a cute little bunny!
By PIE_PERSON1 : Shes SOO cute I voted
By Banana123 : I voted penny is ADORABLE!please vote for my pets too!
By Pavel : Voted! Please vote for my pet Buddy!
By Sugar : cute vote for my cat sugar
By CavalierSpaniel : Hi Penny! I left you a vote. Please vote for me (by clicking on my username to see my pets and then voting)!
By CavalierSpaniel : Thanks for voting for Goldy! I live on a twelveacre piece of land, but the barn collapsed, so it's not really a farm anymore. But we do have chickens we have 5 now, but they are not a year old, so I did not put their pictures up yet.
By Layla22 : very pretty
By Love-lovepet : Awwww Penny such a cutie
By Love-lovepet : No problem. Your bunnies deserve it
By Nikkijana : vote for my animals my cat, simba and my dogs frosty, budha and haley
By Nanno : My goodness that is one big bunny
By Tabham : Thanks for voting for my pet (Cecil the cat) I have now voted for yours. )
By Petgirl : VOTED! can you guys vote for my pets by clicking my username to see my pets then voting?
By Doggirl : Penny is soooo cute and so is odi
By Zipper101 : hi penny i voted for you and also odi please vote for my frog zipper
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