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in category: cute dogs

in category: cute cats

Kitti, owned by zazamaree
6 Vote for this pet12
Pet Other
Breed Ignore
Age15 years, 9 months, 4 days
Favorite activityprancing, playing with her Heeler dog friend, Chloe
Favorite toybig red play-ball
Likesvisiting with her horse neighbors, exploring around the yard, being scratched behind the ears
Dislikesgetting splashed with water, loud noises
StoryWe adopted Kitti in March of 2011. She was really born in February 2011 not 2009, but the website won't let me select 2011. Kitti is a picky eater she won't eat anything but hay and grains we've tried giving her watermelon, celery, apples, and more. She spends her days grazing with her pony friend, Ginger, headbutting her red ball, and finding weeds and shrubbery to eat around the yard. She has also started to grow horns, although it's hard to tell by this picture.
Comments for Kitti
By Petgirl : Hello! I voted for Kona. She is very cute. Can you vote for me too? All you have to do is click on my username and click on the pet you like best. Then, just click on the green thumb. Thanks!
By Petgirl : Sorry I meant kitty
By Petgirl : Sorry I meant kitti
By Badger : adorable!!!!! can you vote for chispa the dog by clicking on my username and clicking on the green thumbi voted
By Zazamaree (owner) : Kitti says thank you for the votes Petgirl and Badger. ) I voted for Chispa and Brady. You guys have such adorable pets!!!!!!
By Petgirl : Did you know that Badger and I are actually friends?
By Petgirl : P. S. I voted for Muffy too!
By Doggirl : I totally voted! Please click on my username to see my pets and consider voting. I know petgirl and I kinda know badger.
By Animallover101 : Voted can you please vote for my animals
By Animallover101 : Kitti is adorable
By Klokkels : very cute
By Annierussell : Voted! Vote for my pup )
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