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in category: cute cats

in category: cute dogs

in category: cute cats

Brady, owned by petgirl
30 Vote for this pet90
Pet Dog
Breed Beagle
Age19 years, 3 months, 22 days
Favorite activityChasing cats and stealing trash
Favorite toyBones
LikesFruits and vegetables
DislikesMy rabbit dolly and my cat kit kat
StoryWe rescued him from the shelter.He became a wonderful member of our family.
Comments for Brady
By RockyandNelson : Brady is very cute! I voted for him. Please stop by my page and vote for my pets too. Thanks )
By Alexx123aaaa : CUTE!
By Badger : I did click on your username and vote can you do the same for my pets
By Ashleyflo : Vote 4 my Kona Bear and maybe she can play with Brady
By Pipzippeep : very cute
By Badger : CUTE!!!!!
By Petgirl (owner) : Look at my extra pics at the bottom.
By Petgirl (owner) : Ashlyflo hi! I voted for Kona alteady
By Badger : HEY!!!!!!!!!!!
By Badger : Hey! can you believe I have 10 votes? I really don't mean to bragg but still can't help it
By Flypet : voted
By Petgirl (owner) : I know I only have nine. P.S. I voted for Chispa off my friends account with permission.
By Badger : Thanks!
By Badger : You are doing good almost catching up to chispa
By Badger : Chispa buried a pancake in my bed
By [email protected] : vote for my pet
By Badger : hey i got 3 other dogs! check em out! i don't have picks for them yet but there still super cute!
By Zipper101 : super cute! i voted can you vote for zipper my frog
By Badger : yea their my dogs although they don't live with me they live at my dads work and i go there and i feed them and keep them company but chispa and badger live with me
By Petgirl (owner) : Ur so lucky
By Badger : don't be so hard on your self be thankful for the pets you have right now
By Petgirl (owner) : Ur right
By Badger : yea and i don't always get to see 3 of my dogs that much but at least i get to see them
By Badger : pet girl pipzipeep has more pets vote for them
By Badger : i've lost 4 of my pets over the years reebs my dog tiger my cat starly my cat isis my cat they where wonderful pets
By Petgirl (owner) : Voted her pets
By Lovesalot : that's a great pic. your doggy is soooo cute. and thanks for voteing for snowball. I really appriciate it.
By Petgirl (owner) : No problem
By Badger : are you on it's 805 pm (monday)
By Badger : u on it's 1254 pm (tuesday)
By Badger : hey can you wish chispa a happy birthday on september 1st
By Badger : you on it's 352 pm
By Badger : petgirl you like webkinz me to i fond a webkinz that looked just like chispa i got it and named it chispa on the website please friend me if you find me my username is 123cfk there and pretty much on any other website
By Petgirl (owner) : Ok
By Petgirl (owner) : How'd u get the votes14?! Really? Awesome! please ask people to vote me too?
By Ashjay : Thanks for voting for Gracie) I will vote for all your pets )
By Jenwal69 : Love that face!
By Badger : you did not vote for queen the fish i did and you told the owner you voted i think you should vote just tell the owner that badger reminded you okay
By Badger : did you vote for badger my cat yet i finely got a pic for him
By Badger : hi u on
By Badger : of course i'm on
By Badger : lets chat
By Badger : this is great i like getting comments
By Badger : hey petgirl you think you could get some of your friends to vote for chispa
By Badger : bye bye i have to go i'll be on in a couple of minutes if i can i might not be on though okay but i might be on in a couple of minutes okay but i might not be
By Petgirl (owner) : Hey
By Badger : I'll try to remember to tell people
By Badger : Rhrifiejzk pfiwjauwsixirjeiffjrjffjrieidjhrdudnrjdixijhfidkeryusjdredgidfgjrhw
By Badger : I like typing
By Badger : Type type type typety type type
By Badger : he voted? then why do i still have 14 votes
By Badger : zipper101 is my dad
By Badger : u on
By Badger : Yes of course he's my dad
By Badger : i'm going to colorado really soon i'm going to see my family
By Badger : i don't really know maybe she forgot about you
By Badger : i'm going to go on the 11th
By Badger : You travel a whole lot
By Badger : I'm maybe gonna go to Harry potter world when they build one in California
By Badger : Yea I ride horses but not often I might be going on the camp with pipzippeep
By Badger : Are we in at the same time? Well pipzippeep takes lessons
By Badger : I once was there but I was very small I woke up early and got dounuts there
By Badger : Tattoo I see
By Badger : Wait trix died that's so sad I'm really sorry
By Badger : i still can't get over that reebs died she was the best dog that i ever had i think she died when she was 14 and i also lost a couple of cats i got over those cats but not starly
By Badger : oh thanks
By Badger : I might do that
By Badger : Thanks for all the nice comments
By Badger : oklely dokely
By Badger : well we can comment on chispa olkely dokely
By Badger : Well I do live in Austin it's always hot
By Doggirl : ayaka r u on?
By Doggirl : guess what my mom and i are going horse back riding!
By Doggirl : well soon we are but at least were going!
By Doggirl : o and polly has a purple cast not a bule one
By Petgirl (owner) : R u on Sarah get on Polly if you are I just got back from camp y Noah it's awesome where r u horse back riding by the way at camp we get to canter and other kids can jump too
By Animallover101 : brady is so cute
By Animallover101 : vote for my pets
By Badger : what did zipper101 ever say?
By Badger : i like the the new pics!!
By Badger : happy thanks giving
By Sugar : The reason why one of my pics are brown and one is grey is because the grey one is really my cat and the brown one is just a cat I thought looked like my Sugar3
By Pets : He is sooo cute!
By Tolbunt5 : Cute pics. )
By Desi and chloe : hey i left u a vote!!! and friended u!!
By Doggirl : Petgirl if u r on before you get back from Japan call me
By Doggirl : i missed you so much
By Shanda22 : Hey guys am new to the page I have voted for your dog please vote for mines
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