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in category: cute cats

Beefcake, owned by dootsie312
11 Vote for this pet8
Pet Dog
Breed Bulldog
Age16 years, 3 months, 26 days
Favorite activitymaking wind with his heiney.
Favorite toyany type of dangling string
Likeshis mommy , cuddling, being a mush, outdoors, ropes of all kinds, his big brother BoBo, not to mention his gas..i think he's a little "too" proud.
Dislikesplastic bags apparently. My mom was putting cans into one just the othe day and he dodged into my room from the kitchen and under my bed.
StoryBeefcake is the pup I've always dreamed of having. As soon as I saw his little smoosh face on the computer the tears took over. He has his stubborn ways as all bulldogs do it's in their nature but he is the biggest baby Every night if he is not on the bed with my husband and I, he lets out a little cry, not so much an annoying cry but the cry that's cute and you can't help but look at him. So anyways it is a MUST that he sleeps between the two of us at night. When morning arises I open my eyes and this droopy little smush face is right in front of me with his little tongue dangling out the side. Then he wakes up and washes James my face back and forth thanks Beef we really need it haha On another note, Beef is big into Nature these days. He'll do his business as soon as he gets outdoors, but right after he's done he likes to lounge sitting up and watch the clouds, the trees blowing in the wind and of course the leaves blowing on the ground right before him. He's the sweetest stinkiest dog I've gro
Comments for Beefcake
By Sarahjo85 : Such a cute puppy. I have always wanted a Bull Dog but can't bring myself to spend that much on a dog.
By Dancewifme : wow hes adorable!!! and its cute that his name is beefcake cos my dogs name is Brutus Beefcake )
By DogLover72 : Cute! I have an american bulldog,spoil her to death.Vote for her Karma!Bulldogs are one of my favorite...Priceless!
By Petgirl : So voted please vote for my pets.
By Petgirl : Click on my username to see my pets
By Badger : hello vote for chispa my dog and you will receive a vote
By Johnshujohn : scam
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