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in category: cute dogs

in category: cute cats

Pets owned by The Babes

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Pet Dog
Breed Boxer
Age17 years, 9 months, 19 days
Favorite activityPlaying with Duke
Favorite toyHer rope
LikesShe loves sleeping
Dislikesthe dog park
StoryBoxer is super loving and playful at home, she use to go to the dog park until she was attacked and now is being worked on with an animal behaviourist. Boxer love playing with other dogs at home where she feels safe, but at a dog park she feels uncomfortable and not at ease and it shows when she growls and tucks her tail down. She is extremely loyal and loves everyone.
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Pet Dog
Breed Boxer
Age15 years, 5 months, 6 days
Favorite activityDuke loves running and playing with other dogs at the dog park,
Favorite toyHe loved playing with 2 liter bo
LikesDuke likes to chew on my wooden deck.
DislikesDuke doesnt like sleeping
StoryDuke is the most well behaved puppy ever. Duke is very calm and patient with small dogs, He is socialized with humans as well as dogs. He is very silly and like the rest of my dogs defin. a comedian.
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Pet Dog
Breed Mixed breed
Age15 years, 1 month, 4 days
Favorite activityAdora loves playing with her brother and sister which are boxers
Favorite toytoy wubba
Likesshe loves eating
Dislikesshe doesnt like being stepped on
StoryAdora is just adorable. She has the biggest personality and has more energy then my boxers do. She loves playing and eating and sleeping.

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