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in category: cute cats

Pets owned by PawFectGroom

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Pet Dog
Breed Doberman Pinscher
Age15 years, 9 months, 16 days
Favorite activityplaying with my boyfriend, Falkor the Great Dane.
Favorite toyeither my rope toys or my bone.
Likesbelly rubs, sitting on the couch, and walks.
Dislikesgetting yelled at, the vacuum, baths, and nail trims.
StoryWe got Maggie from a pet store because we had a break in at our apartment. i would have liked to look for a breeder, but i didn't want to be without security any longer. plus, i like to think of it as rescuing her from that filthy pet store. Other people might not understand what they are getting themselves into when they buy a doberman, let alone a doberman from a pet store.
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Name:Stella Maye
Pet Cat
Breed Persian
Age23 years, 11 months
Favorite activitysleeping
Favorite toyi don't play. i'm too much of a
Likesgoing outside to chew on grass when my mom goes outside to smoke.
Dislikesi don't like the new kitten, Norman. He jumps on me a lot. But i put up with him.
StoryStella Maye was a rescue. Someone brought her into the grooming salon when i was a bather at Petsmart. I became her owner in 2005, and she has blossomed with me. I love that smash-face cat!

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