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in category: cute dogs

in category: cute cats

Pets owned by plueck08

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Pet Dog
Breed Shih Tzu
Age16 years, 5 months, 22 days
Favorite activityplaying with the kitty
Favorite toymonkey
LikesMolly loves to meet and play with other animals. She loves to play outside any season. She loves to go on trips with us.
DislikesMolly doesn't like when we go somewhere and she can't go with us. But we always take her everywhere we go.
StoryMolly is an absolute sweetheart. We love her more and more everyday. She is just perfect in every way. She is so cute, smart, playful, and loving. We have had her for nearly 2 years now, and I could not imagine my life without her.
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Pet Dog
Breed Shih Tzu
Age15 years, 5 months, 19 days
Favorite activityMuffy loves to play.
Favorite toyMuffy doesn"'t have a favorite t
LikesMuffy loves to eat and play. Those are her favorite things to do.
DislikesMuffy is very mischievious. Sometimes I lay her on her back on the bed or couch and make her take a time out. She hates it but never gets up until I tell her.
StoryWe got Muffy in September 09' as a companion for our other Shih Tzu, Molly. It took a couple months but now as we had hoped they love each other and do everything together. They are so opposite of each other. Muff tends to be a bit devilish and finds trouble more often, but we love her. I always wonder how such a cute little dog can be so bad!

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