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in category: cute dogs

in category: cute cats

Pets owned by themouser

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Pet Dog
Breed Yorkshire Terrier
Age23 years, 3 months
Favorite activityProtecting her property.
Favorite toyHer current stuffed toy
LikesCheese, chicken, cheese, people food, cheese and cheese
DislikesRudy messing with her.
StoryBailey came to my shop one day, I worked at a pet grooming salon. I was told the owner was looking for a home for her. I had not had a dog in a long time and really wanted one. Well, that day was not the day, the woman said she would have to ask her family and they said no. Well, a month later, she called me back wanting to know if I still wanted the dog. I said yes, even though I had gotten another puppy at the local shelter. She and her sister Emmy were the best of friends. Emmy was killed in an accident three years ago and Bailey really misses her. She has a big brother, Rudy and a sister Little Bit, but she still waits for Emmy to come back.
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Name:Little Bit
Pet Dog
Breed Shih Tzu
Age21 years, 4 months
Favorite activityPlaying with big brother Rudy
Favorite toyWhatever Rudy has
LikesHaving her butt scratched, her Dad
DislikesWhen Rudy is being pushy, being scolded
StoryLittle Bit came to my grooming shop. She was covered with matts and fleas. The man that brought her in asked if anyone would like to have her, of course I said I would. I agreed to foster her for a while. The people never called back, and Little Bit became ours. She absolutely adores her Dad. She plays tug o war with a Pit Bull mix, her brother Rudy and wins a lot. She is our Alpha dog. You can tell she is in charge.
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Pet Dog
Breed American Pit Bull Terrier
Age19 years, 9 months, 14 days
Favorite activityAnnoying his sisters. playing tug o war with Little Bit, Playing
Favorite toyFrisbee
DislikesBeing scolded
StoryI got Rudy when I lost another pet. He is my pound dog. I got him from the local shelter when he was 6 months old. He had Demadex(mange)and came down with pneumonia. He was a very sick dog and he would have been put to sleep if I had not saved him. He loves playing with his little sisters. Size does not matter, he thinks he is a lap dog.

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